Sorry in keeping you with no updates, but corn is progressing along quite well at this time. I hope that we will have some tasselling next week as it has flat taken off. First time to use liquid nitrogen as the corn got too big to use dry urea on it. We have discussed it for the last two years but finally decided to use it and the cost of doing it and getting it done at the right time was just one of those decisions that have to be made, but we feel that it is going to pay off this year.
Lee (youngest son)and I went to a meeting at Columbus, OH last week and we did not see any field of corn that we would trade for ours. Ours seem to be very consistent and the stands are what we planned for. Soybeans were a little ahead of ours but we held off planting ours early as we use all of them for seed beans and want outstanding quality. Mr. Jackson (father-in-law)learned something new yesterday and he has been doing this for 55 years, mice eating up soybeans in a no-till field. He has seen it in a sod field but it has happened in one field taht had corn in last year. I guess that there was enough residue and grain left that they decided they could party in the field. Will keep you updated on what is happening as we have several fields that we have done differently this year than in the past.
Please reply back in what you are finding. Have a great week!!!